TMI Tuesday

So, today is Tuesday and I have officially gotten my period back!
My last cycle was the first week of MAY 2012!!!!! It is now February 2014!
As you know, I got pregnant in late May 2012, and gave birth to our son last February. Post C-Section I had a hemorrhage, had an emergency surgery which included a complete and full D&C. I had the regular postpartum bleeding, and then nothing since then.
On Friday night I noticed VERY light spotting, and then had spotting thru the weekend. It did not get any heavier, but did not go away completely either. I was a bit confused because the last time I had spotting was implantation bleeding when I was 4 weeks pregnant and it only last a day possible 2 but not more than that.
So of course, my anxiety kicked in this weekend and I thought 'What if I am pregnant again?!!!"...But as of this morning, the spotting turned heavier and I can safely say this is a cycle.
Thinking back about 2 weeks ago, I did notice that I had extra cervical mucous, which would indicate ovulation. So here we are about 2 weeks later, and my period has started.
I am happy that my body has done this ON ITS OWN!!! And I will be interested to see how long this cycle lasts as PCOS can make cycles unpredictable.
We are NOT Trying To Conceive anytime soon but I do like to keep track of my cycle for the purpose of keeping an eye on my PCOS, etc.

So that is my TMI update on this beautiful Tuesday!


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