rambling thoughts ...wondering.

I often wonder WHY about a lot of things. Lately, I have been wondering a lot about why people are so negative? Why do people feel the need to be rude or make rude comments or say rude things? Why do people feel so bold behind the screen of a computer? Why can't people just be nice to each other.
Lately, whether it is because I have been noticing more or because I have added more to my facebook page, I have come to realize just how harsh some people are. Its like mom wars times a zillion. people are very quick to judge and for what?! does it make them feel better? do they just HAVE to say something? can they not help themselves? maybe they have 'no filter' and they just say what they want no matter what.
One person will post a picture and then it will be met with unsolicited advice or someone will go onto their own FB page and write about the picture - like as if those on the side lines cant put 2 and 2 together and realize what one is talking about.
One person will put up a status about someone else's status and then a few clicks down on my newsfeed, there is the said status.
I guess if people are going to "call you out"...WHY cant they say it to your face? or say it directly to you? People have to go behind backs and write hurtful things about others. for no reason.
I guess I just wish people weren't acting like Mean Girls as adults and in real life. I wish people weren't so mean and hurtful. I wish people weren't rude or unaccepting. I wish others wouldn't mock and make fun of. There is no reason for it.
Did it make you feel good writing a status about someone? or making fun of something someone said or posted or did?
Why do people have to be so involved with other peoples lives that it takes over their lives?
PERFECT EXAMPLE: World breastfeeding week was met with such criticism. rude comments. terrible assumptions. wildly inaccurate information. just SO much that my brain cant even process or remember all at once. Formula feeding moms dueling it out with Breastfeeding moms over the internet. Its so ridiculous.
Lets just all be happy. and Enjoy life. Accept others and support people. Do and say nice things and just be pleasant. grateful. thankful. LOVE and LIGHT!


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