let's talk about friends...

Coming off of a great weekend with some really great friends and it has me thinking... Everything happens for a reason. I wholeheartedly believe that. God's Plan is the way it is for a reason. His plan is far greater than anything we have planned for ourselves.
Imagine all the friends you have. How did you meet them? How influential are they on your life? How close are you? What have you shared with them over the years? I started thinking about how I have some really awesome friends...the ones I spent time with this weekend for example: I wouldn't have even met them if I didn't go to college. I wouldn't have met them if we didn't all end up at the same college. When I went off to college I never thought about the friends I'd make. The people who would be in my life years later. How close we'd become and the memories we'd share. It really is amazing to think about where life takes us and who comes into our lives at certain times. And then your network expands even further because those friends meet people, like their boyfriends or girlfriends and you get to know them and become friends too. You get close with your friends families and you share in each others lives.
You have your tribe of people. The people who support you through all what life throws at you. The people standing beside you and also right there to catch you if you fall. I'm extremely thankful to all of the wonderful supportive friends in my life who've been there for my greatest moments and who've been right by my side during the darkest ones. I think God knew I needed these great people in my life and I love the friends I've got, that's for sure.


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