invitations have...

been sent!!! YAY!!! They were sent at the beginning of this week and we already got our first RSVP back! and it was a "yes" at that! I am so so so excited to start getting more back and see who is coming to our big day! This has made it all SO real. I have known it is real this whole time obviously, but this makes it even more real and makes it seem SO close! we are about 100 days until the wedding and I know these next couple months are going to FLY by! We are in super super crunch time and I need to stay calm and focused during this time but I also need to enjoy every minute of it!
Tomorrow, me and my fiance will be attending pre-cana class which is a requirement for us as we are getting married at my church. I am a little anxious, but not too much because I know me and my fiance will be there together and we will do it as a couple. It will be interesting to see what the class is all about, and I am hopeful of what we will take away from the experience.
I will post again soon! <3


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