
I have so many things to say and write about but not enough energy to write them all. This is such a happy time in my life, and I am truly blessed by all that I am lucky enough to have.

I know a few people getting married tomorrow, one of which is an old friend. well, an ex-best friend is more the term to use. but anyways, today when i was driving home part of me thought, i wish i could just simply say, have an amazing wedding day tomorrow. but then part of me thought, after everything we went thru and after all the terrible things that were said, etc etc etc....WHY would I be the nice person and say that? what would it prove? just that i am the bigger person. But even at that... who gives a fuck about one being the bigger person.... no one but the people involved. so truly, i would wish her all the happiness if we were still on speaking terms. But, people change and grow and sometimes things happen and life isnt a fairytale where you have friends from birth to death....i mean maybe some people stay friends forever but a lot of the time, people dont. and thats just life. its unfortunate when you think you have a friend for life and then things take a turn and you dont even speak anymore. But again, such is life. and i am truly so very happy with all that i have in my life at this very second. everything happens for a reason so i wouldnt change a thing.


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